Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Sunshiny Day

 I cannot get enough of the amazing fall that we are having. Just when I feel like it can't possibly stay warm another day, it does! The colors are bright, and the sunshine just makes me happy. I am seriously trying to talk Jacob into buying us one of those alarm clocks that wakes you up with light that slowly get's brighter... like the sun. Wouldn't that be awesome?? On one of those dark dreary winter mornings? Speaking of dreary winter days... I am putting together a box of tricks that will make us happy inside our house when I don't want to brave the icy roads. Do you have any suggestions? What keeps you sane in the winter?

Here are some highlights from our long weekend...

Luci was really excited about her grey hand-me-down sweat pants because, "they are just like daddy's!" so she had him dress up too.
 Um, check out those guns... okay maybe you should just let me do that ;)

The reason for our long weekend.

We had a pretty fun date night too. Who knew Hockey was so much fun to watch??

1 comment:

GoofyJ said...

Fall has been wonderful! And it looks like you guys had a ton of fun!