I'm Pregnant! And the little cutie is the size of a lime today.
Dean Baby number two is due March 11, 2010.
We are as excited as can be.
Although it hasn't really hit for Jacob yet. Well, only when I'm hunched over the throne making lovely noises and hoping that I'm not peeing my pants too. Some gooey details for you. Now you see how this relationship of pregnant blogging is going to be.
It really hasn't been that bad. It's been very easy actually. Just a few bad days, 4 to be exact.
Luci is excited, she has learned to point to people's stomachs and say "baby". If you can call that excited?Here we have a photo of our picnic tonight. We had delicious tin foil dinners and rolls. Luci had just smashed the jam filled pillow of bread into her face, smearing stickiness all over, when she fell over face first in the dirt/grass. We had a good laugh. Of course we said, "don't laugh, don't laugh" but how do you not laugh at your children at such times??
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Guess What??
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4:03 PM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My 2L
To Jacob my 2L.
Mostly cheesy love songs are coming into my head as I think of what to write to you right now. I would write them except their cheesy so I won't. Anyway, like I've said before, you are the reason, you are the reason I wake up everyday. Okay! I couldn't help it I guess. That's a Celine Dion one. Seriously though thank you for being so amazing. I couldn't do it, couldn't exist without you. I can't exist without your handsomeness. Can't even sleep without a light on when you're gone, to be honest. The days of fall have come, leaving behind our fresh veggies and bringing with them endless amounts of reading. Whatever will I do.
Your daughter thinks the world of you too, asking, "daddy where are you" in her slurred toddler voice. All the while knocking on the front door and saying "bus" and "walking". She knows your whole routine. walking, bus, school, walking, bus, home, luci!!! Every time she sees a bus she says, "DADDY! YAY!" It's different having you gone more, we both miss you. Thanks for taking care of us even though you're a busy 2L.
Love always,
Your Daniella
P.S. Everyone! Check out the video bar I added for the most recent videos of the Luci. Just uploaded a tea party tonight:)
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5:16 PM
Labels: Fall, hubby, Law School, Luci, summer
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I read a quote today,
President David O. McKay said that the principal reason the Church was organized is "to make life sweet today, to give contentment to the heart today, to bring salvation today... Some of us look forward to a time in the future--salvation and exaltation in the world to come--but today is a part of eternity."
--From the September Ensign, p. 8
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12:43 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Home Sweet Home
There's no place like home right?!
So, everyone in my family thinks that Luci looks just like me! Well, I had the bald thing going on, and the talking too...so she is following in those footsteps. Of course my dad still calls her 'Jacob junior'. Grand-doc insisted that she was a boy. What, with that kind of haircut (in his words) who would take her for anything else? In grandmothers words though, "David, you know nothing about babies". To which he bowed his head and said sheepishly, "that's true".
The Dean family reunion was great. We were so glad especially to spend time with Jared and Jody before they took their family away for the next three years. Jacob, disgustingly cut his hair into a mullet right before family pictures. Of course he cut it all the way after everyone got a good kick out of it. I seriously couldn't even look at him for fear of puking. Luci and Abram, who are both 1, are so cute together as you will see in their matching red hair (although Luci's is much more red so far). Thanks for planning all the fun Bekah, Mom, and Dad.
Anyway, we played in the water lots. So much that when Luci saw a swim diaper today she tried to put it on while saying "go-go"! We ate lots of food at the Restaurant (as usual). Luci started saying POP-POP as soon as she saw the Restaurant. It's fun to see her put things together. Luci had her first bought with the stomach flu. What is it about vacation that makes children get sick anyway? Jacob ran in his first half marathon and loved it, which is surprising since after the Turkey trot last year he said he hated running and never wanted to do it again. We did some catering and made some extra cash, Jacob did research at the BYU law library. It was a very fun yet productive last couple of weeks. Oh and Jacob is in the process of painting our friends' house (the outside). He's bringin' home the bacon friends, which I am so grateful for. Thanks for taking care of us babe.
Luci is still yelling NANA, POP-POP, MA MA (grandma), and POTS (pops). She's thinkin about you guys. We love you! Thanks for playing with us :)