Wednesday, February 11, 2009


A Dialogue From Me
Today I feel like sharing a few thoughts and stories.
The other day I came home with a ginormous headache, possibly a migraine. You know, the kind where you feel nauseous, lights hurt your eyes, and you want to put your head in between 2 very heavey anvils. It was 8pm and I went straight up to bed and covered my head with pillows. Cub came upstairs and kissed my head softly while getting me warm (due to a 62 degree house. Yes that's what we keep it at during the night.) until I was asleep. He tucked the blankets around me and said he loved me. I woke up in the morning, 11 hours later, to find that he had cleaned the house; put up some decorations I had made, and many other productive things. Thanks Cub.

Yesterday Luci took a 3 hour and 15 minute nap. Thanks Heavenly Father.

Just now as I was lotion-ing Luci in her wonderful baby smelling lotion she clasped her arms around my neck and gave me a tight squeeze. Those are the moments that make you forget all the no nap days, and the 5am mornings. Thanks Luci.

So, I have many resons to love this week of Valentine's. What are your reasons? Make some heart shaped pizza's (recipe here) and eat some chocolate, okay lots of chocolate, to celebrate!

Con amore,


Parkinson Family said...

aww, cute! the heart shaped pizzas look sooo good!

Unknown said...

you are so sweet. and amazing. thanks for sharing.

Diane Carter said...

Now that one made me cry. I love you Jacob and thanks for taking such good care of my girls! Love Mamba