It was a good thing the baby slept so long and I got so much done because Luci needed me after school today. A girl was mean to her on the bus today. It breaks my heart to watch her little lip quiver as she tells me these stories. All she did was try to make friendly conversation with the girl in front of her who happened to be holding one of Luci's favorite books. The girl turned to her and rudely said, "Now you be quiet". I can't help but think that it's experiences like these that will shape her into something that she is not. Especially since she is so young. I tried to explain to her that the little girl must have had a bad day and didn't want to chat, and that it didn't have anything to do with how likable and fun Luci is. There are plenty of people who would stand in line to sit next to Luci and talk to her. Including me, her dad, her grandparents, her primary teachers, Elijah, her best friends, random strangers we meet in the grocery store. It makes me wonder why we separate our young children from their parents and other mature adults so early, only to be surrounded by and influenced by irrational and immature peers. That's not to say that adults can't act that way too I guess. Grr. Such is life. At least we can do our best to create a safe environment at home.
Anyway, the day ended with my sweet children cleaning the kitchen without being asked while I bathed and put Mary Jane to bed early. They knew I needed help tonight since Jacob wouldn't home until late and they happily worked together to surprise me. They are such amazing kids, even on a blah Monday with a blah mommy.